"Squirrel you gather nuts by the score, exactly predicting if you'll need more. Teach me to take no more than I need, trusting Great Spirit to harvest the seed." -- Jamie Sams and David Carson, Animal Medicine Cards.
I awakened this morning and shifted my eyes up and to the right to see the skylight window that gives me a view of the top of one of the trees in front of the house. I noticed something moving. It turned out to be a squirrel! They have been very busy getting ready for the winter. Immediately, I thought of the limerick about the characteristics and spiritual properties associated with squirrel animal medicine in Animal Medicine Cards, and how much these creatures can guide us on our path to change.
Squirrel looks at all the economic damage, fueled by polarity-imbalance grounded in fear and greed that has incensed people around the world to the point that we are Occuping the Streets. Wouldn't it be great to keep it simple? Squirrels demonstrate what focused energy can accomplish in our natural world, a world that includes us. Sure, they do chase each other when another squirrel comes near their stash of buried nuts once in a while, but everyone seems to make out okay. This is the way of our new world shift in consciousness. Slowly but surely. Kadoish. Adenoi. Elohim. Wiracocha. Talawuchlah. Blessed Be. Amen. Aten.
Image Credit: Lady Wolf Dreams
Valerie Mich'El Oliver (The Pursuit Studio) explores the art and architecture of creativity, healing and storytelling in imaginative, innovative and award-winning ways. The Healing Artist Studio is one project. Tisch School of the Arts (New York University) and The Mystery School (Sacred Center for the Healing Arts) graduate. | Play, observe, imagine, innovate, create, heal, and love this life.
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