Thursday, December 10, 2020



“A brilliant healing artist."

"I would like to thank Valerie Michele for helping me and starting my healing process. My husband recently booked several sessions for me with her after witnessing me falling further and further into a depression. It turned out to be the best gift he has ever given me . . . (READ FULL COMMENT)
-- Dona Dec, Controller

"Inspiring . . . Motivational . . . Unbelievable . . . Wonderful . . . Life-transforming . . . Healing . . . Multidimensional . . . Open . . . Safe . . . Thought-provoking . . . Fun!"
-- Words people have used to describe Val's events

"As a Reiki practitioner and teacher, I can attest that Val Oliver is a compassionate healer with integrity and expertise. Don't miss an opportunity to take advantage of her healing services. Blessings and positive energy to you all!"
-- Dr. Kathy Jordan, Author of Becoming a Life Change Artist, Creative Coach/Consultant 

"Just completed my CHILL session and I was blown away. Resolved and understood something that has been a source of confusion and a block to completing my book. Val assisted in the connecting with one of my guides. He had a special message for me and was a source of comfort which circled back to the source of my initial confusion. All of this in 30 minutes or so." (READ FULL COMMENT)
-- Sue Birkam, Business Coach, Freedom Life Coaching Company 


"I have found our sessions to be very worthwhile, and am looking forward to the next phone call. I endorse, from experience, Valerie Michele as a talented and caring Healing Artist for those that want a deeper exploration."
-- Stacie Flint, Visual Artist

"Thanks Val. Your particular INSIGHT, as always, is ON POINT."
-- Christopher Dean Sullivan, The Artisan Bassist (Musician)

"You are so humble Val. When I looked at your blog, I was like WOW! This Sister is sharing the ancient spiritual life sciences in a beautiful way . . . You are helping to shift the shape of things from negative to positive energized vibrations and that is what LOVE and HEALING is ALL about."
-- Dwayne Sonni Nixon El (Singer-Songwriter, Musician, Actor, Poet, International Businessman)

"You are a very warm and authentic person--it is so refreshing. I feel inspired by your optimism, enthusiasm, and how driven you are to actualize dreams."
-- Dr. Heather Gillman (Psychologist)

"Val, you just made me cry as I was lamenting to my girl that I have been searching for just one person to get me. Gracious thanks, from my heart of hearts."
--  PatriCia Malia, Sound Healer, Hanta Yo Sound Healing

"You are a gifted soul who possesses an incredible zest and talent for living. Even the simplest of events--waiting on line to pay a cable bill, a passing conversation on the street--become joyful happenings with you! Your beautiful smile and focused gaze make me know that you're really hearing me, listening to me, appreciating me. I feel compelled to just be myself, honestly, with you."
-- Jonathan Dobin, Fine Artist (Music & Visual)

"You always say exactly what I need to hear!"
-- Christie

"Hey Val,  I wanted to let you know that I was still feeling very congested yesterday, as if I still had the cold. I was telling my friends at work yesterday that I was going to finally break down and go to doctor but after your session last night, I felt much better, and today I am feeling a big difference. I think it's what I needed to finally get this nasty congestion and negative feeling out of my body!  Thank you!"
-- Kathy Kerr


Monday, December 7, 2020

Angel-Guided Star Sigils (Introduction)

See interpretation at end
of this post.
Schedule a Free Consultation

Regarding the death of Stephen Hawking--Theoretical Physicist, Writer, Influencer
(January 8, 1942 - March 14 2018)...

"A star just went out in the cosmos. We have lost an amazing human being."
-- Lawrence Krauss, Theoretical Physicist & Cosmologist

Ever wonder when looking up at the stars shining so bright if you have stars among them? Do you believe that stars are part of our own story to claim and to guide our becoming one with our greater reality as cosmic human beings? I was inspired by Archangel Uriel and Archangel Metatron to believe that the star nation includes our own personal constellations, our cosmic story frequencies that exist in star realms beyond our Milky Way galaxy.  

As Above, So Below Stargates
Deepen your investment in aligning, living in harmony and balance with your name, business, or project as star and earth cosmic energies and entities. 

Angel-Guided Star Sigil for
Memoir Book Project
A star sigil is a sacred geometry frequency "constellation warehouse" that has multidimensional information: archetypes, oracle guidance, angel numbers, and universal consciousness keys--STARGATES to your most loving reality and potential.

The ancients believed that astronomical phenomena were connected to terrestrial events.
~From "Star of Bethlehem, Wikipedia

My Intention As a Healing Artist

My intention is to provide personal session time to you, a person who is attracted to and desires an intimate and active relationship with your personal star cosmology that is different from astrology, and to spend additional amounts of time off-session performing calculations to channel, create and interpret them for you to facilitate aligning earth human forms with star cosmic ones. 

Our personal time together will take one-two hours that may include: 
  • a free 30 minute consultation session
  • an Intuitive Intelligence and/or Muscle Testing or CHILL session
    (What We Need To Know)
  • star sigil constellation creation
  • a session to review your star sigil(s)
Approximately three (3) hours is spent channeling, calculating, creating, and interpreting your name, business or project star sigil. You will receive it via a link to view and download as a PSD (Photoshop), TIFF, PDF or JPG file (it can be created in a custom size and format for you to have printed in any size you desire). Future follow-up will be scheduled if needed, or if you desire additional sigils.

Angel-Guided Star Sigil options include: 
  • Personal Birth or Chosen Name Star Sigil
    Your Investment = $222 (Call for consultation)
    SPECIAL OFFER for Brid's Closet Tarot Forum Members ($155)

  • Business or Project Star Sigil
    Your Investment = $444 (Call for consultation)
    SPECIAL OFFER for Brid's Closet Tarot Forum Members ($255) 

Some Definitions

Angel-Guided Star Sigil for
P Neil Baker (Psychic & Author)
What is a Sigil? Sigils are considered the visual symbols of angels and other entities, and are archetypes, conduits for great creative energy. I channel and create them using a calculation, a formula.

What is Intuitive Intelligence? Intuitive intelligence is a deep, instantaneous, inner feeling or inner knowing; a form of divine communication from one's highest consciousness, frequency or Self. It's been described as a gut feeling that may be associated with sounds or feelings in the body that confirm it.

What is Muscle Testing? Muscle testing is another way to describe Health Kinesiology™, which is a bio-energetics methodology that uses the body’s muscular system to find out information by asking questions to help make dramatic life changes.

What is CHILL™ - Chumpi Illumination? CHILL™ - Chumpi Illumination is an innovative art and science practice in which sacred stones that embody 12 Keys of Universal Consciousness and Universal Matrix Architecture are used in healing. CHILL™ was created by Eleanora Amendolara of Sacred Center for the Healing Arts and is taught at The Mystery School in New York State.

The Clients | The Studio's ideal clients are arts and entertainment professionals, entrepreneurs, healing arts professionals, coaches, and anyone who is committed to boldly go beyond the familiar into expanded creative and spiritual territory. 

Visit the Gallery on Pinterest!

NOTE: Valerie Michele (Mich'El), Angel-Guided, Star Sigil Reading: 

Archetype Energy: The Gold Detector, The Camel, The Earth Worm, The Star Sharer. Monatomic Andara Crystal Energy: Aqua Blue Angel Frequency. Rune Oracle Energy: Isa, Nauthiz, Gebo, and reversed Ansuz. Angel Number Energy: 99. Universal Consciousness Energy: Oneness is the Key to Love Awakening

Love, peace, blessings, and star light,

Valerie Mich'El

Schedule a Free Consultation

Valerie Michele Oliver
voice & whatsapp: 1.973.750.8654
Read VALentine's (Testimonials)


  "The Creator determines the number of stars
and calls them each by name."
Psalm 147:4
(Special thank you to Cara Marie for sharing this quote with me.)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

EVENT UPDATE: CHILL, Visions, Solutions and Healing

I am truly humbled and grateful for the CHILL healing experienced by the women who came to see me at the Fairy Fair. It was re-scheduled from Saturday, May 19, 2018 to the rain date on Saturday, June 2, 2018. There wasn't a drop of rain on June 2nd, despite what was predicted in the weather reports!

By using CHILL (Chumpi Illumination), God's power through the Holy Spirit, and the love of Ascended Master Jesus, my clients quickly and easily gave me access to what was most pressing and needed to be healed; so, I could see each woman's core truth in visions, and facilitate the solutions--manifesting blessings in their lives via freedom from past and/or current conflict or trauma. As one of my nieces is fond of saying: Hooray!

Also, I had a number of inquiries about the Angel- Guided Star Constellation Sigils. Through continued guidance by Archangels Uriel, Metatron, Gabriel and Ariel, I will be channeling, calculating, creating, and interpreting them for couples-lovers-mates, by using both their names to discover their star constellation sigil. In the future, I will be working with a special team to design and marketing of them. I'm so excited about this new development! Stay tuned!

Love, light and blessings to you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Top Comments From Healing Arts/CHILL Clients (Your Testimonials)

Image Credit: Arizona Interior Design School
This is the area where you can post feedback & testimonials for healing artist personal or group sessions. I appreciate you sharing your experiences and providing this link to friends, family and colleagues who may be interested. Thank you so very much!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

How Chumpi Stones Are Made and How They Impact The Healing Artist Studio Project

Chumpi Illumination (CHILL) is a resource that can be used for healing deep, entrenched stubborn patterns, or to make peace with conflicts in one's life. 

Here's a short and sweet video on how the Chumpi stones are made in Peru. They are the connectors to the star nation, the Greater Reality, and 12 keys to universal consciousness. 


CHILL is a healing system developed by my friend Eleanora Amendolara of Sacred Center for the Healing Arts, and is part of the curriculum taught at her two-year healing arts program at The Mystery School in Warwick, NY.

I am grateful to have two different sets of Chumpi stones that I am trained to use as a certified CHILL practitioner. Also, I use them in additional ways (in addition to CHILL). Through angel guidance, I discovered them as keys to open to an understanding that we have a personal star cosmology different from astrology. (Click this sentence to discover more.)

For me, having Chumpi stones is very similar to being born to become a pipe carrier in the Native American (and new) traditions as the pipe (Chanupa) and sacred smoke are alive with wisdom and energy through the earth elements made to create it. The Chumpi stones are "carried" in a similar way for me.

I am curious about how these forms I carry with deep honor, responsibility and grace will continue to be valuable in this practical world of relationships and career/work, and visions and dreams going forward. I am staying tuned as I go about the project of life--of living inside the love of my Creator.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

New Content On Creator's Corner: Creativity & Storytelling Muse (August 9, 2107)

Rachel Ward and Richard Chamberlain in "The Thorn Birds" (Credit: ABC)

 Best Content Uses Current & Past Life Stories:
Honoring Tom Comerford, R.I.P. 
(Story of the Month: August 2017)

Tom Comerford. I was in shock, depressed, and lost after the death of my mother. Tom was a District Manager for the State of New Jersey's Division of Youth & Family Services. He hired me to provide payments to all the foster care parents in the huge district. He helped me get back on my feet mentally, emotionally, and financially; and that job led to meeting my best friend who has been in my life for 37 years. Continue reading . . .

Access more content about this best practice of using past and current life experiences as storytelling content to attract and engage your audience, readers, clients, and customers.

Dare to shine, be generous, and love this life.



CREATOR'S CORNER is dedicated to sharing ideas that come to mind after reading and selecting articles for The Creativity & Storytelling 'Zine (as the editor/curator) that may be useful in a professional or personal capacity. Interest in creativity and storytelling as content for usage in arts & entertainment, media communications, marketing and advertising, and as lifestyle choices for businesses, projects and services (groups that have a way of life that may or may not be included in their brand identity), can be relevant to anyone anywhere in the world covering a variety of professions. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Rave Reviews (Thanks Everyone!)

I'M GRATEFUL FOR THE ABILITY TO SHARE AND CREATE INTERESTING AND MOTIVATING STORIES USING CONTENT AND MEDIA FOR A VARIETY OF PURPOSES, plus to review the past and move into NEW creative storytelling experiences and relationships.

These reviews cover film & television professionals with whom I have worked as an originator, creator, developer and producer of stories; live, streaming and podcast interviews conducted on my Blog Talk Radio channel; interviews printed in the arts section of a newspaper serving Orange County, NY, and by website design clients. 

Here we go...

"I have worked with Val on two projects now, and each time I have been blown away by Val's connection with and dedication to the material. She was an integral part of the development of each project and brings her heart and soul into the creation of any project she works on. This has made her an absolute joy to work with, and a person whose friendship, vision and creativity I cherish. I highly recommend Val as a solo contractor, team member and content creator, and would work with her again in a heartbeat!"
-- Sameera Steward, Producer, Constellations Entertainment

"Valerie Michele is an innovative, professional and strongly driven individual with a sound grounding in business strategy, and the flexibility to consider new ideas. Valerie trusts concepts born from genuine talent and works well with her business partners to create the best possible solution for the project."

-- Jacob Larch, Writer/Editor/Script Doctor

"Our team was lucky to find Val a few months ago and she has been a wonderful asset ever since. She is driven and optimistic, and her personality has helped to fuel the rest of our crew. She has also been instrumental in finding us some key players who have been essential in moving our projects forward. I would recommend Val to anyone in need of a dedicated team player or a truly amazing friend. Thanks again, Val, for all your hard work!"

-- Sarah L. Taylor, Creator/Writer/Producer, "Blood Lines"

"...the interview with Luciana Souza was incredible. I loved the dialogue on parenting, grief, spiritual practices, music..."
-- Claire Milam, Spiritual Coach

"Fantastic job."
-- Barbara Sobel, Sobel Promotions

"Beautiful music, wonderful conversation, all around inspiring and energizing program. Thank you!"
-- JD Flaten, Publicist, Media Owls

"Thank you!!! I had a great time being on your show!!! -- Georgie Porgie, A Billboard Magazine Top 10 Dance/Club Artist of the Decade

"You have been doing an amazing job with your interviews/shows. I'm so impressed with what you've done."
-- Paddy Noonan, Founding Partner & Musician, IMRadio

"Wow!" Val. The radio show was so amazing! Thanks so much!
-- Tonya Marie Faris, Songwriter, song featured as a healing dedication

- "Excellent and informative interviews. I enjoyed the show very much. Joel Juan Qui is a beautiful expression of healing through his education and music. Val and Barry, great show!
-- Daniel Zazueta
"Val, thank you for posting the great [audio] interview with Linda and Jacqui at our show opening . . . I'm glad your interview got into some of the more contemplative and spiritual aspects of why we do what we do."

"I was glad to meet you at Musikfest, and later, thrilled with the wonderful job you did. You are an excellent writer, photographer, and interviewer all rolled into one: quite a combination."
-- Ann Whipple, Publicist, Musikfest
"Thank you for your great interview. You did a great job." @ The 110th Anniversary of Downing Park
-- Jean McGrane, City Manager of the City of Newburgh, NY

"Thank you so much for all the space and time you took with the article. The interview is great and Mystique did a great job with the photos. Can't thank you enough. You should also know that several people have already phoned me to say they read and enjoyed the article."
-- Mary Ann G. Neuman, Photographer, "Somebody's Sister" Series

“Your organization of materials, attention to detail and intelligent approach is unique, refreshing and MUCH appreciated. It makes all the difference!”
-- Don Devine, President, Devine Design

"Wow, the interview went really well. I enjoyed hearing the artist's responses, and found out a little bit more about each artist I had not known before. Thank you for all your support!"
-- Virginia Walsh, Director, Ann Street Gallery

"I'm finally home and have been meaning to call and THANK YOU for the wonderful feature you did on me."
-- Judi Silvano, Jazz Vocalist/Composer/Producer/Educator

"You are (as they say): "No joke". I thank you for lending your genius to the mass of positive good going on in the city of Newburgh right now. The article helped to give wonderful insight into who I am as a candidate for city council."
-- Marge Bell, Owner, Newburgh Artisans and 2007 & City Council in Newburgh, NY

"What a treat to have you with us and conduct such a powerful interview. Thank you for posting the live interview! I've added it to my blog so others can listen and find your site . . . What a wonderful job you do."
-- Linda Richichi, Tour Director, "Far & Near Horizons" Group Exhibition World Tour and Plein Air Painter

"I just wanted to say thank you ever so much for the fabulous job on the article! It was an absolute pleasure to see such a great spread and the company so well represented. I appreciate your efforts and hard work!"
-- Stacey Hawkins, President and CEO, Time Savor Gourmet, LLC

"Val, thanks so much--what a wonderful job."
-- Brian Burke, Owner, Downing Film Center

"You need to clone yourself -- doing a great job covering so many events and really focusing on the personalities behind them!"
-- C. Kippy Boyle, Divisional Manager, San Francisco International Gift Fair
"Your new Web site looks and FEELS great--open, inviting and very informative."
-- Eleanora Amendolara, Sacred Center
"The pleasure has been ours . . . I was singing your praises last night while showing off the website and clicked on your site to show people who you are . . . I am very happy!"
-- Sharron Miller, Executive and Artistic Director, Sharron Miller's Academy for the Performing Arts
“You have an extraordinary company! The level of work you do is very, very high---"over my head" for design work, innovation & concepts, etc.-- a very different area of our industry than I'm in! But you truly have a great and exciting company!”
-- Marc Frankel, President, Hudson Valley Mac

Monday, March 13, 2017

To Live, Love and Trust Again: The Sanctuary

Kerry Chandler
I AWAKENED TO THIS SONG, "HEAL MY HEART", ONE MORNING WHILE PRAYING, MEDITATING AND CONTEMPLATING. I was working on a vision, a marketing plan for a client, and we planned to meet the next evening to review it. Even though I was secure in my sense of the direction in which to guide her based on the time we'd shared and the review of her current website, I was further guided to trust and share with her this song the Creator placed in my consciousness to enhance the golden vision and plan even more.

RECENTLY, I RECEIVED A GOLDEN VISION from The Creator/God/Goddess/Source/Great Spirit/Beyond Love that I can't ignore. Interested in discovering more about this vision?

CONNECT WITH VISION CONTENT EXCERPTS provided below (via tweets you can copy and share) by clicking on the links at the end of each tweet.

ONCE AGAIN, I FIND MYSELF RETURNING TO "HEAL MY HEART" TO EMBRACE THE MANTRA LYRICS AND MUSIC. Thanks to Kerry Chandler (The Maestro of House), Quentin Harris (Remix), and Treasa Fennie (featured vocalist ) for the message: to live, love and trust again. Kerry is living in them through his music.

Get ready to dance and make a joyful noise!

Here are the main lyrics to "Heal My Heart" -- Kerry Chandler, Quentin Harris and Treasa Fennie.

Wake up in the morning just to pray.
I give thanks to see another day.
No matter how hard I try,
To leave the past behind,
Only time will heal the pain,
Please hear me when I'm praising your name.
I used to see the world through innocent eyes,
But loving you has made me realize,
There's a greater love, a greater peace, in my life.
There's a better place on the way to find.
Heal my heart, ease my pain, give me the strength to love again.
Heal my heart, ease my pain, give me the hope to trust again.
Heal my heart, ease my pain, give me the strength to love again.
Heal my heart, ease my pain, give me the strength to live, to love, to trust again.

Archangel Raziel

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Creator's Corner: How to Work (and Play) Well With "The Others" to Succeed

NOTE: Creator's Corner is now being published on Wordpress, so you can access and read all of the columns (past and future) easily at one location. Click Here.

I ATTENDED A GRADUATE SCHOOL WHERE ARTS & BUSINESS STUDENTS WERE BROUGHT TOGETHER--on purpose--to propose, create and apply communications technology solutions as a team to problems. As graduate students of the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), we were encouraged to face our distrust of "the others'" approaches to problem-solving (creative arts vs. business) and collaborate in playful and experimental ways to meet the needs of individuals, groups; local, national, and global communities--artistic, nonprofit and commercial--who we were learning to serve as a workforce. Otherwise, we could not succeed in our studies, projects, or current and future employment.

How Can I Trust You?

WE HAD TO FIND WAYS TO KEEP AN OPEN MIND, TRUST, AND SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER (even if one's primary incentive might only be to get a good grade). Sometimes trusting simply meant investing in the belief that we would do whatever we could to help each other succeed for the sake of that project. Those who couldn't or wouldn't commit, who gave up, failed: they either left the program or flunked out. For those of us who did commit, paths always eventually opened, and some of those solutions we accomplished together were simply astounding. Those collaborations and solutions led to our Information Age and what's coming beyond it.

NOTE: The Interactive Telecommunications Masters Program in Tisch School of the Arts at New York University is going strong. Check out some of the pioneering and innovative courses.

Artwork © Gavin Aung Than 2017

  Column Inspiration:


How Not To Give Up Before The Miracle Happens

I READ SOME LITERATURE TODAY TO HELP INSPIRE AND MOTIVATE ME NOT TO GIVE UP in areas that I want and need to change in my life (personal and professional). I get tired and discouraged at times. I can't afford "keeping up appearances" (like Hyacinth, the character in the British BBC program) because I've learned the hard way that doing so is incredibly stressful and hurts my health. One quote I read is from an article (AKIRA KUROSAWA: The Note Taker) included in the Creativity & Storytelling 'Zine, Sunday, February 12, 2017 edition is just the right medicine:

"Kurosawa was determined to become a better screenwriter and set about writing one page a day, despite how busy he was as an AD, 'There was nothing I could do about the nights I had to work till dawn, but when I had time to sleep, even after crawling into bed I would turn out two or three pages.' Writing didn’t come easy, but over time the daily struggle became a habit and Kurosawa found that like most creative endeavors, just showing up was the key. 'At some point in the writing of every script I feel like giving the whole thing up. From my many experiences of writing screenplays however, I have learned something: If I hold fast in the face of this blankness and despair, adopting the tactic of Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect, who glared at the wall that stood in his way until his legs became useless, a path will open up.'"

Column Inspiration:

SOMETIMES I THINK THAT WE HUMANS SUFFER FROM CHRONIC FORGETFULNESS: we work hard on something, complete it, and then lose our confidence in what we've learned and know: we start from the beginning again--over and over--in uncertainty (a creative-specific conflict forgetting like in the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind--though they choose to forget!). We stick to our endeavors, come through again, and hope we will remember in the future.

THE HEALING ARTIST STUDIO PROJECT BLOG, THE CREATIVITY & STORYTELLING 'ZINE, and all the writing, content curating, posting and tweeting I do is my way of remembering, of continuing the open-mindedness, trust, and collaboration I learned as a high school student at The Team School, and as a graduate student at ITP.

WE ARE NOT IN A PHYSICAL CLASS TOGETHER, AND MAY NEVER MEET, but I choose to believe that I am investing in our creative and business problem-solving success to benefit our world through the practical and miraculous solution we are every day.

MAY YOU DISCOVER MORE CREATIVE ideas and storytelling support now (and in the future) by exploring the Creativity & Storytelling 'Zine, and previous Creator's Corner columns: Lies & Storytelling: Strange Bedfellows in Shades of Gray; Best Storytelling Has Sensory Empathy (or It's Important to Engage the Senses)Get Up To Speed On Quality Do-It-Yourself Storytelling: On a Low BudgetBest Storytelling is Copied, Stolen Content? (or The Lighter Shade of Led Zeppellin), The Joy is in the Story Journey (or Mission Impossible), Best Story Content Grounded In Our Past & Current Life; Conflict Has Creative Value, Learn How To Use It; Card Decks & the Mystic or Visionary Persona, Here Comes Play-Doh, and Sacred Geometry–Visual Storytelling Content: One Of Top Four Creative Trends 2016

Dare to shine, be generous, and love this life.



CREATOR'S CORNER is dedicated to sharing ideas that come to mind after reading and selecting articles for The Creativity & Storytelling 'Zine (as the editor/curator) that may be useful in a professional or personal capacity. Interest in creativity and storytelling as content for usage in arts & entertainment, media communications, marketing and advertising, and as lifestyle choices for businesses, projects and services (groups that have a way of life that may or may not be included in their brand identity), can be relevant to anyone anywhere in the world covering a variety of professions.  


SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION “A brilliant healing artist." -- Eleanora Amendolara, Creator of CHILL (Chumpi Illumination); ...